Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Not very good out door riding

I think the snow,rain,wind,and windchill are going to keep me indoors for a couple of days.I could probably walk faster.Here is what one of my shorter rides looks like.

Zone 1-2:32
Zone 2-6:56
Zone 3-41:03
Zone 4-1:09:32
Zone 5-0:30

2152 calories


Tamara said...

30 seconds of zone 5?

Hey, just talked to Mel at IJM, that deal in Wpg March 5 they are really hoping we can all be there so they can say thanks.

I know your schedule is nuts but if you and Brandi could come with the rest of the Ride to End Terror Gang it would be great

cory smith said...

I wasn't going to do zone 5 at all but it creep up there for a few seconds.

I more than likely won't be coming to the ijm thing but thanks for the invite anyways.