Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Want to check your VO2 max? If you have a treadmill, then let the good times roll.

The length of time on the treadmill is the test score and can be used to estimate the VO2 max value.
This VO2 max test is a maximal exercise test where the athlete works to complete exhaustion ( or til you die ) as the treadmill speed and incline is increased every three minutes.
P.S..... Make sure that someone is with you so that if you die they can record your time.You don't want to die for nothing.

Stage 1 = 1.7 mph at 10% Grade

Stage 2 = 2.5 mph at 12% Grade

Stage 3 = 3.4 mph at 14% Grade

Stage 4 = 4.2 mph at 16% Grade

Stage 5 = 5.0 mph at 18% Grade

Stage 6 = 5.5 mph at 20% Grade

Stage 7 = 6.0 mph at 22% Grade

Stage 8 = 6.5 mph at 24% Grade

Stage 9 = 7.0 mph at 26% Grade

For Men VO2 max = 14.8 - (1.379 x T) + (0.451 x T²) - (0.012 x T³)

For Women VO2 max = 4.38 x T - 3.9

T = Total time on the treadmill measured as a fraction of a minute (ie: A test time of 9 minutes 30 seconds would be written as T=9.5).


Coach Dave said...

Of course such tests have a certain degree of error, but can be very motivating and a good workout in-and-of-themselves. The real benefits is being free of the Med. Cart. Finding a treadmill that goes above 15% is very difficult however. Very very few people can actually even run at a 20 degree incline for any time. The only one I have seen even go up to 20 degrees was is in the lab. Much higher then that and you need to hang on. Having at least 2 spotters is a must, but even with their support you may still be damaged :)


cory smith said...

Yes... you're right Dave a spotter is a must!!!

Gordo said...

They did this in the movie American Fliers... so it has to be true and accurage. Don't listen to Dorning. Everyone knows movies trump research every time!!!

cory smith said...

Where i have been training they have 2 treadmills that go up to 25+ degrees i say plus because the highest i have gone is 25 degrees.I have run 10mph at 25 degrees before but you're lucky to last 20 seconds with out holding on and like Dave said you got to have a spotter but one will do.

Coach Dave said...

I take all this talk of testing to mean you have been training :)

Gord. I just watched the movie the other day :) Not sure what the protocol in the movie is but it is a very old one. Could be the old Bruce treadmill ramp protocol since there was a simultaneous increase in speed and elevation and it started out very slowly.

Cory. I would measure the incline and see if it is accurate as it sounds wrong. Whatever it is, it is definitely a good workout. I have gone over 4-minutes at 20% and that was a killer.

Of course it begs the question what was your predicted V02max?

If I remember that last time I did this test I was a little over 77 L/min/kg

cory smith said...

That's super good Dave.I haven't done the test yet.I have been doing sprints so far.This year i have been trying something different training with Jeff Fisher( FISH )at ELITE PERFORMANCE CENTERS in Winnipeg. Have you heard of him? I go to the NESS location.I have never had so much fun training i give him an A+ grade .He just can't teach me how to ride my bike i will have to figure that one out on my own.